i love this picture. i didn't take it, but i love it. its a photo of john flanked by two of his oldest friends- mike b. and jeff g. taken a few summers ago while they were on a treeplanting related, cross-canada, greyhound bus trip. i love it because it could have been taken in 1975, 1985, 1995 or yesterday. i also love it because it perfectly captures that moment in time where 3 young guys feel totally invincible and totally free. i think someone should capture that feeling and sell it as a perfume- eau de i can do anything.
john, jeff and mike are all super talented musicians.
listen to their music, its good. new favorite song: sentinel by jeff greene.
john + jeff + mike- http://www.myspace.com/plasticbynaturemusic
The best part, if you ask me, well aside from the hunks, is the mom walking the kid in the background. I'm not sure but I'd swear she's rocking a 1988 perm and acid wash jean combo. This was taken on April 14th 2004