Friday, August 14, 2009

It's Friday, you ain't got no job and you ain't got shit to do.

I can't stop thinking about this cropped motorcycle jacket from Bona Drag. Its 95$ bucks and real, albeit not amazing quality, leather. Online shopping -so awesome, but so dangerous. If only we could download clothes, like music, to try before we buy.

Saw this play on Wednesday night with my mom (she has been in town all week doing a writing workshop at Columbia University, my mom is the best and I love having her here). The 39 Steps is a hilarious adaptation of Hitchcock's film of the same name. You can actually get half priced tickets for it through TKTS because it is not The Little Mermaid and therefore not at the top of most tourists' list of plays to see. If you are smart and like laughing, I highly recommend it.

Love this painting by Canadian artist Kent Monkman. Saw it on Kimberley Newport - Mimran's blog. KNM is the head designer of Pink Tartan. A successful, ladies-who-lunch kind of line, based out of Toronto.

Jared sent me this link earlier in the week- It is an online gallery of various art dedicated to Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are. I know, with a Spike Jonze movie on its way, WTWTA has gotten a lot of hype lately, but Sendak's book is the bomb - the hype is fully deserved.

It might get loud opens today in NY and LA, and elsewhere on the 28th. The film follows Jimmy Page, Jack White, and the Edge over a year -offering insight into their techniques, influences, and approaches to guitar. I can't wait to see these six string savants* tear it up on the big screen.

* I must credit Flavorpill for the amazing alliteration.

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